
Course Details

Personal Details

Contact Details

*** At least one mobile and one email MUST be supplied ***

Education history



Citizenship Status

Employment Status

Course Payment Details

Unique Student Identifier

From January 1, 2015, we 1 Stop Driving School can be prevented from issuing you with a nationally recognised VET qualification or statement of attainment when you complete your course if you do not have a Unique Student Identifier (USI).

If you have not yet obtained a USI you can apply for it directly at http://www.usi.gov.ua/create-your-usi/ on computer or mobile device. Please note that if you would like to specify your gender as “other” you will need to contact the USI office for assistance.

Student Enrolment Agreement & Declaration (please read thoroughly)

Due to the high-risk nature of the training conducted by 1 Stop Driving School it is a requirement of enrolment that all participants strictly adhere to the instructions provided by the trainer at all times. I understand 1 Stop Driving School reserves the right to suspend training or remove participants from the course if:

• Any unacceptable or inappropriate behaviour towards the trainer/staff or other participants
• Deliberate failure to follow instructions provided by the trainer
• In the trainer’s opinion the participant is under the influence of drugs or alcohol Any actions that may result in injury to other course participants, staff or general public.

I acknowledge that providing false information on this enrolment form, or failing to disclose any relevant information, may result in the withdrawal of any course offer or cancellation of my enrolment.

I have been advised 1 Stop Driving School may require taking photos or videos of me as evidence of my assessment.

I understand 1 Stop Driving School is required to provide Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) with student and training activity data which may include information provided in this enrolment form. Information is provided in accordance with Data Provision Requirements Legislation.

I agree to disclose any impairments, disabilities or medical conditions that may impact the safety of persons during the course of training.

I consent in the event of injury or illness for the appropriate person/s or medical assistance can be contacted.

I acknowledge that I have been provided with information regarding my rights and responsibilities and sufficient information to determine that the services being provided meet with my expectations to enter into this training agreement.

I give 1 Stop Driving School permission to use photos taken of me for marketing and promotion purposes. (Optional)

TRUCK LICENSING STUDENTS ONLY - I am liable for any fines or penalties that I incur during driving instruction training.

TRUCK LICENSING STUDENTS ONLY - I give consent for the FCA/CT to be filmed and have been advised all records of assessment will be securely archived by the RTO and will only be released to VicRoads on request for audit purposes. The FCA/CT will not proceed if the applicant does not provide consent to be filmed.

Privacy Notice

Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012, 1 Stop Driving School is required to collect personal information about you and to disclose that personal information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER).

Your personal information (including the personal information contained on this enrolment form and your training activity data may be used or disclosed by 1 Stop Driving School for statistical, regulatory and research purposes. 1 Stop Driving School may disclose your personal information for these purposes to:

• Commonwealth and State or Territory government departments and authorised agencies; and
• NCVER Personal information disclosed to NCVER may be used or disclosed for the following purposes:
• Populating authenticated VET (Vocational Education and Training) transcripts;
• Facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage;
• Pre-populating RTO student enrolment forms;
• Understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information; and
• Administering VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation.

You may receive a NCVER student survey which may be administered by a NCVER employee, agent or third-party contractor.

You may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted.

NCVER will collect, hold use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the VET Data Policy and all NCVER policies and protocols (including those published on NCVER’s website at www.ncver.edu.au)